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HyprCrux you ask?

·3 mins·
Dante Medoro
Dante Medoro
Documenting my journey with Hyprland, Linux, Web Development and FOSS Projects

This is a step by step guide on using
my dotfiles for Arch Linux/Hyprland


My current dotfiles for Arch Linux/Hyprland


Why HyprCrux you ask?

Well, to keep it as simple as possible if you’re not familiar with the term…

a particular point of difficulty. plural noun: cruces; plural noun: cruxes.

I chose this name for my Hyprland configuration because I have always found this realm of technology extremely difficult. As an avid rock climber, the term crux is used for the toughest move or sequence of moves on a climb. As an aspiring developer, I felt the term Crux fit in here as well!

I switched to Linux full time rougly 3 months ago after tinkering for a few months on VM’s and using my laptop as a test machine, and finally installing Arch Linux on my PC. I have been fascinated with r/unixporn for quite some time now, and after doing very minimal research I saw hyprland and knew I had to get my hands on that software.

Lets keep in mind that I’ve only messed with ubuntu probably about 10+ years ago. So jumping right into Arch & a Dynamic Tiling Window Manager many people would recommend against. Understandably so since there is basically no GUI involved, and its all configured editing text files. Unfortunately the animations, and window tiling had me sold immediately and there was no swaying me other wise if you catch my drift 😉

TLDR: PC Aesthetic go brrrrrr

Warning! My configs are messy and may not work for you!
  1. Clone It!

    Step One

    Clone my repository here:

      git clone

  2. Run These Commands

    Step Two

    cd ~/dotfiles
    cp -r ~/dotfiles/.config/* ~/.config

  3. Errors?

    Step Three

    You're probably encountering some errors now lol

    Now we get to the fun stuff!

    First we're going to learn some commands.

    If you're not familair with the 'super' key, its just the windows button.
    Hit Super + T to enter a terminal. Now is a good time to type
    hyprctl monitors to get your monitor information so we can set your resolution. It should look a little something like this:

    It shows quite a bit of information but all we're going to focus on is the name and resolution.
    mine shows: eDP-1 and 1920x1080@144.00301
    That's the name of the monitor, and the resolution.
    Now we're going to navigate to our hyprland directory and set the resolution.

    type cd ~/.config/hypr
    Open your favorite text editor, I use Neovim but for this example we're going to use nano.
    type nano hyprland.conf